An Innovative Blend of Modern Science & Traditional Herbal Wisdom

An Innovative Blend of Modern Science & Traditional Herbal Wisdom

Why wait for an "hanxiety"? Get it now!
Enjoy 4 gummies before you drink
For a big night out? Take another 4 after
Missed it? Take 4 when you wake up
Enjoy, Recover, Repeat!
Why wait for an "hanxiety"? Get it now!
Enjoy 4 gummies before you drink
For a big night out? Take another 4 after
Missed it? Take 4 when you wake up
Enjoy, Recover, Repeat!
Scientifically Proven
Reduction in Headaches, Nausea, Fatigue*
Reduction in Headaches Nausea, and Fatigue*
Alcohol Metabolism Efficiency*
Alcohol Metabolism*
Faster Absorption For Better Liver Protection*
Faster Absorption*

*50% Reduction in Headaches, Nausea, Fatigue: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial involving 64 healthy young adults, the use of TEX-OE® before consuming alcohol effectively reduced severe hangover symptoms by half, including headaches, nausea, and fatigue. This reduction is attributed to TEX-OE®'s ability to inhibit the production of inflammatory mediators

**Double Alcohol Metabolism Efficiency: Feedback from the study indicates that after a duration of 8 hours, there was a significant decrease in the total level of recirculating alcohol seen at 55% within the blood stream immediately after alcohol consumption when administering a glucarate compound relative to a placebo.

***7x Faster Absorption: Clinical research has demonstrated that Siliphos® significantly enhances the bioavailability of silybin, the active compound critical for liver health. Compared to standard silymarin, the levels of silybin detected in plasma or bile after administration of Siliphos® were found to be 7 times higher, indicating a rapid absorption within a few minutes

Feel the Difference

b.Ready Hangover Recovery Gummies are perfect for liver health and hangover recovery. Target post-alcohol symptoms such as headaches, body pains, and nausea, promoting a quick and balanced hangover recovery

Feel the Difference

Post-Alcohol Recovery

b.Ready Hangover Recovery Gummies are perfect for liver health and hangover recovery. Target post-alcohol symptoms such as headaches, body pains, and nausea, promoting a quick and balanced hangover recovery
Feel the Difference

Promote efficient alcohol metabolism, facilitating swift breakdown and elimination of alcohol by-products. Minimize the impact of hangover symptoms and support a smoother post-alcohol recovery

Feel the Difference

Improved Alcohol Metabolism

Promote efficient alcohol metabolism, facilitating swift breakdown and elimination of alcohol by-products. Minimize the impact of hangover symptoms and support a smoother post-alcohol recovery
Feel the Difference

Enhance healthy liver function and alcohol metabolism through detoxification and rejuvenation, aiding in efficient toxin breakdown and elimination, supporting your body's natural cleansing process. Our milk thistle gummies are perfect for liver cleanse.

Feel the Difference

Liver Cleanse

Enhance healthy liver function and alcohol metabolism through detoxification and rejuvenation, aiding in efficient toxin breakdown and elimination, supporting your body's natural cleansing process. Our milk thistle gummies are perfect for liver cleanse.
Feel the Difference

Boost your body's natural detoxification processes and enhance cellular repair. Accelerate body cleansing, effectively remove harmful substances and holistically nurture a balanced state for well-being.

Feel the Difference

Detoxification & Cellular Repair

Boost your body's natural detoxification processes and enhance cellular repair. Accelerate body cleansing, effectively remove harmful substances and holistically nurture a balanced state for well-being.
Feel the Difference

Lessen alcohol-induced inflammation, helping to alleviate discomfort and fatigue. Balance your well-being and support natural healing, contributing to a healthier body state and protecting against chronic inflammation that can lead to long-term health issues.

Feel the Difference

Anti-Fatigue & Energy Revival

Lessen alcohol-induced inflammation, helping to alleviate discomfort and fatigue. Balance your well-being and support natural healing, contributing to a healthier body state and protecting against chronic inflammation that can lead to long-term health issues.
Feel the Difference

Relieve feelings of fatigue and exhaustion while effectively expediting the recovery process. Reduce brain fog and restore energy levels to achieve peak performance after alcohol consumption.

Feel the Difference

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Relieve feelings of fatigue and exhaustion while effectively expediting the recovery process. Reduce brain fog and restore energy levels to achieve peak performance after alcohol consumption.
Feel the Difference

Bolster your body's natural defense mechanisms, heightening resistance to alcohol-induced pathogens and environmental stressors. Foster long-term health and resilience by proactively supporting your body's inherent protective responses.

Feel the Difference

Immune Support

Bolster your body's natural defense mechanisms, heightening resistance to alcohol-induced pathogens and environmental stressors. Foster long-term health and resilience by proactively supporting your body's inherent protective responses.
Post-Alcohol Recovery
Improved Alcohol Metabolism
Liver Cleanse
Detoxification & Cellular Repair
Anti-Fatigue & Energy Revival
Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Immune Support
Discover a Better Morning with b.Ready
Take the first step towards a vibrant lifestyle. Your science-backed post-alcohol recovery starts here.
When Patented Ingredients meet Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for a Holistic Recovery
Science-Driven Innovation
  • Scientifically crafted, a multi-targeted formula to address hangovers at root causes
  • Evidence-based innovation; validated by patented ingredients that have undergone human clinical studies for safety and effectiveness
Premium Ingredients for Efficacy
  • Utilize the finest ingredients to achieve optimal absorption and unmatched potency
  • Clinically proven to be 7x more potent, double alcohol metabolism efficiency, and reduce severe hangover symptoms by 50%.*
Power of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
  • Nutrient-dense herbs and natural ingredients inspired by TCM for a holistic health approach
  • Promote body’s natural resilience, offering a healthier option to synthetic hangover reliefs
A Holistic Approach for Long-Term Wellbeing
  • Embrace traditional wisdom and modern science for a holistic health recovery
  • Go beyond symptom relief to address root causes, fostering long-term balance
Full Transparency & Sustainability
  • Champion full transparency by detailing every dose in our non-proprietary blends
  • Prioritize the environment through eco-friendly, recyclable packaging
Delicious & On-the-Go Wellness
  • Berry-flavored vegan gummies offer a tasteful spin on traditional hangover reliefs
  • Convenient and travel-friendly, your perfect on-the-go solution for any spontaneous adventures
What People Are Saying
Alex K.
"My buddy gave me these gummies after a game night. Woke up feeling great. It really works! I was skeptical at first, but b.Ready has proven itself. The blend of science and herbal ingredients is something I can trust. No more hangover fears for me."
John T.
"I've tried other hangover relief products, but b.Ready is hands down the best. The fatigue and headaches I usually experience after a night out were dramatically reduced. I felt energetic and ready to start my day! A total game-changer!"
Emily R.
"As a busy mom, b.Ready has made a world of difference for those mornings after a much needed glass of wine. It helps me wake up refreshed to get my kids ready for school and early soccer games. I love it's also vegan and eco-friendly! Highly recommend!”
Sarah M.
"I'm genuinely impressed by b.Ready! As someone passionate about healthy living, I love their combination of science-backed and high-quality herbal ingredients. I am so glad I found a trustworthy and effective choice for my hangovers."

Combine Cutting-Edge Science with Ancient Herbal Wisdom for Faster Alcohol Recovery and Energy Restoration with Innovative, Patented Ingredients & Time-Tested Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


Combine Cutting-Edge Science with Ancient Herbal Wisdom for Faster Alcohol Recovery and Energy Restoration with Innovative, Patented Ingredients & Time-Tested Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Patented Herbal Ingredients
Preventium (Glucarate) ®

An advanced form of potassium D-glucarate, Preventium® supports the liver detox process, eliminates alcohol toxins, and reduces hangover severity while rejuvenating energy levels.

It acts as a powerful detoxifier, enhancing liver detoxification equivalently to consuming 225 servings of broccoli, 177 servings of apples, and 100 servings of carrots, resulting in a significant reduction in hangover severity

SILIPHOS (Milk Thistle) ®

Siliphos® Milk Thistle is bioavailable and designed for optimal absorption. It is recognized for its liver-protective properties; 7 times more effective than generic extracts.

It protects the liver from alcohol and neutralizes alcohol-induced oxidative stress and inflammation, paving the way for energy restoration. We use premium milk thistle for liver health.

TEX-OE (Prickly Pear) ®

A unique extract from the prickly pear cactus, excellent for hangover recovery, enhances cellular recuperation and boosts the detoxification of alcohol-related toxins.

Significantly reducing severe hangover symptoms by 50%*, this extract effectively combats fatigue and exhaustion while supporting energy restoration, thereby contributing to a swift post-drinking recovery

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Kudzu Roots

Renowned as the 'Miracle Root' in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Kudzu is a powerful adaptogen. It promotes swift alcohol metabolism, guards brain cells against alcohol-induced harm, and lifts brain fog.

It soothes upset stomachs, reduces nausea, and elevates energy levels, enabling you to regain vitality more rapidly.

Licorice Roots

A potent adaptogen utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 4,000 years, licorice mitigates alcohol-induced inflammation in the digestive tract, bolsters healthy liver function, and battles alcohol fatigue, aiding in a more energized morning. Buy licorice root gummies online.

Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins B3, B6, B12

These essential vitamin Bs play a critical role in energy production, neurotransmitter synthesis, and red blood cell formation, supporting your body's alcohol recovery process and helping restore energy levels for a refreshed start to your day

NO Gelatin, NO Corn Syrup, NO Palm Oil

Many gummies use these ingredients due to their low cost, overlooking potential health and ethical risks. We use plant-based pectin which is rich in dietary fiber, and avoid corn syrup and palm oil due to their links with diabetes and elevated cholesterol levels.

A Holistic and Multi-targeted Approach
Alcohol Byproducts
Root Cause
Headaches & Body Pains

Leveraging the potent Anti-inflammatory properties of TEX-OE®, Kudzu Root, and Licorice Root, our scientifically formulated blend actively fights inflammation, thereby reducing headaches and body pains for a quicker and smoother recovery.

Acetaldehyde Buildup
(Alcohol Breakdown)
Oxidative Stress
Root Cause
Liver Damages Decreased Detox Capacity

Utilizing Preventium®, SILIPHOS®, and TEX-OE®, our patented innovative trio Neutralizes Oxidative Stress, minimizes acetaldehyde accumulation, and boosts liver detoxification, forming a powerful shield against alcohol's negative impacts

Alcohol-Induced Physiological Disturbance
Cellular Stress Protein Damage
Root Cause
Exhaustion & Fatigue

Harnessing the strength of Preventium®, SILIPHOS®, TEX-OE®, and Vitamin Bs, b.Ready actively Fortify Cellular Resilience and Accelerate Protein Repair. This unique and powerful formula acts as an effective defense against fatigue, maintaining your energy levels after drinking

Oxidative Stress
Cellular Damage
Alcohol Byproducts
Root Cause
Headaches & Body Pains

Anti-inflammatory properties of TEX-OE®, Kudzu Root, and Licorice Root

scientifically formulated blend actively fights inflammation

Reduce headaches and body pains for a quicker and smoother recovery

Acetaldehyde Buildup
(Alcohol Breakdown)
Oxidative Stress
Root Cause
Liver Damages Decreased Detox Capacity

Preventium®, SILIPHOS®, and TEX-OE® Neutralize Oxidative Stress

Minimize Acetaldehyde accumulation and Accelerate liver detoxification

Form a powerful shield against alcohol's negative impacts

Alcohol-Induced Physiological Disturbance
Cellular Stress Protein Damage
Root Cause
Exhaustion & Fatigue

Strength of Preventium®, SILIPHOS®, TEX-OE®, and Vitamin Bs

Actively Fortify Cellular Resilience and Accelerate Protein Repair

An effective defense against fatigue to your energy levels after drinking

b.Ready vs. the Rest
Born From Our Struggles Designed For Yours

Imagine us, just like you, juggling fun nights out with early mornings, and needing some magic to keep going. Driven by the need for a natural, effective, and trustworthy remedy, we embarked on a mission to create a holistic solution.

We delved into ancient Chinese secrets and modern science to cook up b.Ready Vegan Gummies. Made "by the customer, for the customer," our gummies are like a friendly high-five from us, helping you rock through life without missing a beat. 🚀

Crafted with love, for a better and brighter you!

Claim Your 20% Off Now!

Why suffer through another post-alcohol morning when a natural and science backed solution is just a click away? Subscribe now and save 20%!

b.Ready vs. The Rest
Features / Benefits
Hydration Drinks
The Rest
Reduced Headaches, Nausea, and Fatigue by 50%*
7x More Effective**
20x Faster Absorption***
Multi-Targeted Approach to Solve Root Causes of Hangovers
Patented Ingredients with Scientifically Proven Benefits
TCM with Science-Backed Long-History of Use for Treatment of Hangover
Limited Options
Trademark Phytosome Delivery Technology for Absorption
Highest Bioavailability Delivery Technology
Poor Delivery Technology
Poor Delivery Technology